Friday, April 6, 2012

Meanwhile, in Sweden, it's still snowing...

This is from April 1st. It has also snowed four of the six days since then and hailed a few times for good measure. I find this hard to believe. It was a lot warmer a few weeks ago, but now we're back to temperatures just a few degrees above freezing during the day and several below at night. It's not actually too bad though--because temperatures are above freezing during the day, the snow melts quickly and a few things are even starting to try to bloom/get leaves, so spring is in sight, but I am so amused that we are back to getting regular snow. I am glad I was in Sweden for only a spring semester and that it was an easy winter. This is rather late for there to be snow and for it to be this cold, but the main part of winter was incredibly mild. If I had been here during a real winter... We won't think about that.

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