Thursday, May 9, 2013

The chocolate-almond croissant challenge is baaaaaaaaack!

Look what I found yesterday!! It was kind of pathetic, burnt and deflated-looking, but it was the first one I've seen here so I sorta freaked out and bought it.

Walking away with my burnt prize I realized I should actually start looking for these things! Reunion Island is strange--it's very French in many ways but not all, so I didn't even think about finding them here. More on the island itself soon, but for now, just know that they have chocolate almond croissants, so I'll probably be ok. Although I must admit I hope the rest of them are better than this one. It was, in fact, burnt, and tasted so. It was also soggy--more of the almond bread type of confection with very little of the flaky croissant texture. And not much chocolate either! I'll probably give this place another chance because it's right by me and clearly this was a bad day, as I'm reasonably sure I've never before seen a burnt pastry for sale in a French bakery...

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