Thursday, August 12, 2010

Three things I love

The first thing I love: Mangoes! I love mangoes in nearly any way they are presented. Fresh off a tree, super fake essence of mango in various products, mango sorbet, and many, many others. This is why I was so excited to find that Burt's Bees now has a mango chapstick. It has a nice, strong mango smell which I love. It doesn't taste at all mango-ey, which was a little disappointing but is probably good or I'd chew my own lips off! Oh, and it actually works as a decent chapstick too.


The second thing I love: This shirt. I found it in a Delia's in Ft. Lauderdale a few years ago. It was too small when I bought it, but I loved it so much I convinced myself it would do. Now that I'm cleaning out to move to Europe, I've decided it has to go. But I took a picture of it for your pleasure. It is a short sleeve girly tee.

The third thing I love: These shoes. Keep in mind that I don't "do" shoes. They are merely a functional thing for me. I did, however, actually love these shoes. They are the one of the cooler items of clothing I've ever owned. This picture was taken way past their prime, but think of the glory days... They were also my first Kangaroos. Great-looking, fun shoes with miserable quality. And yes, that's a zipper on the side. Very cool.


  1. I know those shoes! Remember walking to cali-n-titos in them with me? hehe, good times. I love mangos too. you think they have mangos in the netherlands? What if there is a whole new fruit you've never tasted over there???
