Wednesday, May 19, 2010


That's how my arm feels! I did not remember a tetanus shot feeling like this. I guess last time I got one, I had earned it and so was more focused on the pain in my pinkie. Stupid sledgehammer. And the concrete block was in my way. And who puts re-bar there, really? At least I eventually grew a new fingernail :)


  1. Don't know why the last time I read this post, but brain didn't respond but now feels compelled to. Tetanus is one of the worse. I especially hate the ones they jab in your triceps, right down into the muscle they say, vs. the "skin" ones. When I got my bajillion shots for TZ (both times) I couldn't lift my arms w/o being sore for days. Hep was bad too I think. I'm just glad I didn't have to get Rabies...

  2. And of course by "but brain" I meant "my brain." Said it wanted to respond, didn't say it was actually functioning...clearly
